The International Association for Blended Learning (IABL) organized its 1st International Conference in 2016 and invited researchers, teachers, trainers and technology experts to present the latest blended learning solutions as well as to discuss and exchange the latest findings and new ideas based on the ongoing research, practice, and experience.

We were invited to present a 3-hour workshop focused on the transformation of educational programs from face-to-face learning into Blended Learning. The challenge for us, as eLearning Professionals, was to make an original contribution to the field of Blended Learning and provide best practices for designing blended learning solutions.
We run the workshop “Mix it up with Blended learning”. The goal of this workshop was to provide participants a practical step-by-step guide for designing blended learning solutions, and hands-on practice with innovative learning technologies and applications that can be used to deliver quality blended learning. Examples of real-life implementation of Blended Learning solutions from all educational sectors and a broad variety of industries were also discussed. Based upon proven research and informed by practical experience, the workshop provided guidance, examples, professional development, and other useful resources to help Educators, Trainers and Training Managers, prepare their own blended learning solutions and deliver greater value to the educational institutions, companies or the organizations that they serve. The detailed workshop agenda involved the following tasks. Task 1: Conceptualize Your Blended Learning Course Task 2: Design for Interaction in Your Blended Learning Course Task 3: Decide Upon Assessments of Learning in Your Blended Learning Course Task 4: Develop Content/Assignment Pages for Your Blended Learning Course Task 5: Assure Quality in Your Blended Learning Course
The end result of the workshop has been a great success. Not only a multi-cultural audience from various industries registered to the workshop, but their overwhelmingly positive feedback serves as a true testament to the success of the “Mix it up with Blended Learning” guide. By the end of the workshop participants had created a blueprint for their own blended learning course, added online interactions, developed a sample eLearning module and tested different learning tools for that purpose. Since the April 2016 - IABL conference date, the IABL network has grown and Mathemagenesis is proud to be a part of. In the context of this collaboration Mathemagenesis become a sponsor of the IABL conference 2016 and was in charge of conference proceedings.