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Ready-made online courses for rapid consumption
eCoursesAcademy is Mathemagenesis online course library. We offer a wide range of content that is available as off-the-shelf courses or can be customized for client-specific requirements. These courses can be used as standalone products or can help organizations add to their library of in-house courses. Using our off-the-shelf courses you can save thousands on costs associated with hiring training consultants, rent places, buying course materials, employee travel and other classroom related expenses. So if you are looking for a ready-made training solution, eCoursesAcademy may be the best option for you. Access 24/7, anytime, anywhere.
We have trained thousands of people from the Corporate world
When it comes to live training, we are experts in designing and delivering webinars and online workshops. We offer online live training in a variety of subjects through MgWebis - mathemagenesis webinar and workshops series for Corporates but we can also help your business design outstanding in-house webinars and workshops along with our VILT services.